Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Where Did My Hair Go?

Remember the other C-Card we mentioned?  You know, the one about how Momma deserves more "carats" to make up for her loss of hair?  Well, we've come to the point where those diamonds need to start arriving.  She has finally started losing her hair.  Well, it started just after Christmas, but it wasn't until after New Year's that she decided it all just needed to be cut.  

We knew this would probably happen, but it was still shocking.  She asked that the family show their support and cut their hair, too.  But we all suck; we're just not brave enough.  Only Joey went through with it:  

Now that Joey had gone and shown his support, Momma decided that now was the moment.  She asked Russ to come over and help her with the clippers.  The following are some pictures from that adventure.  This wasn't the first time Joey went with such an edgy cut, though, so the Bravery Award definitely goes to Mom.  

Do match your 'do with your dog's.  

Do smile to enhance your new 'do.  

Joey's support was rewarded with lots of kisses, of course.  Most everything he does is.  Even poops.  We are very proud of pooping outside around here.  

Mom's Hawk.  Russ did a great job on the fade in the back.  And those sideburns are killer!

This picture is great because it captures everyone's normal expressions perfectly.  Mom isn't so sure about this; it's always best to question.  Russ knows everything and expects you to trust him.  Tom is figuring out a new gadget.  And Maria is wondering what's wrong with all of these people.  

After saying goodbye to the 'Hawk, I present: The New Teresa!

I know what you're thinking... Holy Crap this wig looks just like Teresa!   Mom has officially figured out how to turn back the clock.  She looks just like herself 10 years ago!  It's like looking back at the old Momma who used to embarrass me 'cause she was the only Mom in 5th grade with short hair.  It's ok.  I'm sure that experience was character building... 

Now that Momma's got a brand new 'do, she's just about ready to toss around that C-Card everywhere she goes.  I think she's adapting quite nicely.  Talk about character building... :) 


  1. WOW! I am catching on to this really late! This just reminds me how amazing our family really is and our sense of humor never seems to leave us. I love you and I look forward to reading this and sharing this with everyone!
    Love Natalie

  2. Teresa... Sharon passed this on to me... hope that is okay! I just read this entire blog.. am in awe of the approach you all are taking to tackling the big "C." I know you will kick ass! For Abbe... your writing skills are great! I'm sure you don't remember me, but back when I was a young Sailor stationed in Norfolk, your MOm told me the same things about "it will be okay" and "you'll get over it" and, provided very sound financial advice which I always wish I would have listened to a little better. Teresa... so glad we saw you in Chicago!! love Cindy (Harris)

  3. Teresa... the mohawk was bold!!! I love your blog - it shows love, support, and caring. I knwo all of this will help carry you through these challenging time. Remember I am just an email or phone call away... the offer to do reiki still stands, anytime. Hugs, Bobbie

  4. It was great talking to you earlier. it's not the same at "nails." Your daughter is doing a fabulous job keeping everyone informed. the wig is adorable and so was the Mohawk. So glad you're feeling ok. keep up the good "work". Let's do lunch real soon. I'll email my phone no. Call when u and sis can go. Love ya

  5. Hey Teresa,

    Happy Birthday! Hope you are having a great day..Love the blog and pics, especially the mohawk twins! I do agree with Abbie, the new 'do' reminds me of 'back in the day' : ) You are in my thoughts and prayers. I know I don't need to tell you to 'fight like a girl'...I will be keeping up with the blog, and of course Marie keeps me updated. Take care and again..Happy Birthday :0)

    Love ya,
