Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Happy Holidays and a Tough New Year

The Holiday Season started a bit rough this year.  A terrible headache and awful fatigue on Christmas Eve Eve threatened to ruin the week altogether.  However, come Christmas Eve Mom woke up feeling much better and Christmas morning she even reported feeling "great".  That's right, folks, the party was ON!

On Christmas Morning, we all woke up and opened presents together and no one had to pretend like they absolutely loved their gifts.  Little Miss Cancer pulled a C-Card and got an iPad.  Brat.  She also started to threaten pulling another C-Card:  The Carat Card, claiming she needed more diamonds to make up for her lack of hair due at any minute now.  I think she's getting the hang of this, no? More on the hair in a bit...

The following are a few highlights from our Christmas:  

This was the only way to get Diva to stop yipping while we were wrapping presents.  She likes attention as much as her Momma.  

It's Christmas Eve and the presents are ready to be unwrapped!

A very special present.  

Diva wanted to be a reindeer, too.  Don't let the tears in her eyes fool you.  She's having a great time.  

After Christmas we decided to bring back an old tradition that Granddad used to enjoy.  Oyster Roasting Parties.  Never one for moderation when it comes to luxury (how could you hold back at a time like this??), Mommy ordered 200 of the "biggest, saltiest" oysters the fish mongerer had.  And, HOLYMOLY were they huge!  Much harder to go through than we thought, especially with another whole seafood stew, too!  It was a really great time, though, and it was a great way to continue the Christmas festivities.  

Always the entertainer, Momma had to set up a silverware display.  Please note that all of the utencils are sitting in the tomato cans used to make the stew.  Themes... we use them.  

Santa brought Tom a grill.  Great for oysters.  

The weather actually got a little chilly and we were able to enjoy the fire pit.  

These guys are huge!  I couldn't eat a whole oyster in one bite.  

A couple of us waiting for the next batch to shuck.  Messy fun for sure.  

And that brings us to New Years'.  I headed back home to Richmond while Mom, Tom, Auntie, and Wayne went to Rehoboth Beach to see Ms. Pamala Stanely's show and catch up with all of Momma's friends in Delaware.  According to my reports they all had a great time.  Momma plastered her head down with hairspray and set out for a night on the town.  Unfortunately, the next day was not so fun.  Even without any alcohol, Momma still woke up with a terrible migraine.  It seems even staying up late with lots of fun and talking and activity is a recipe for headaches.  That's ok, though.  With the holidays over and the cold weather really starting to set it, there's really nothing else to do but cuddle up with some doggies and relax.  Ah, the life of a retiree... 

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