Monday, January 30, 2012

'Twas the Night Before Chemo

'Twas the night before Chemo (Round 3)
And all through the home
Not a Princess was stirring
Except the one writing this poem

The birthday tiara was placed
By the doorway with care
So that Little Miss Cancer
Could place it in her hair (wig).

Here's Mommy in the kitchen before her 3rd day of school (chemo).
She's so happy after being presented with her Princess Tiara. 

And here's Mommy at the treatment center.  Got a brand new iPad for
Christmas and what does she want to play with instead?
A crossword in the newspaper.  Typical. 

As you have probably guessed, Momma's 3rd round of chemo turned out to be on the actual day of her birth, so I thought it was at least appropriate that she be treated like a princess while she was there.  I tell you what, we got fewer funny looks than you might have expected.  I suspect that more than one princess shows up at chemo from time to time.  And I am also pleased to report that the tiara was also present for dinner that evening at Cafe Europa in Old Towne Portsmouth.   What fun! 

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Blog Maintenance

You may have noticed already but we are doing a bit of comment maintenance on the blog.  I have removed some of the content from those comments that included personal information such as email addresses or phone numbers (but not before I wrote them down to save).   Unfortunately we have to keep this blog "Public" so that all of you can see it without having to sign in and create accounts so please be careful what information you post for us, because there is a small chance that it could be viewed by a stranger that happens to stumble upon across our fun!  Private email works great for sharing your phone numbers :)

But do not worry.... the Internet is still a very wonderful place!   And I'll still be here to make sure we are very careful about what information gets published and shared.  Captain Capable, I am.    

And please don't let this stop you from commenting for Mommy.  Words of encouragement and love and positive thoughts are the drug of choice for attention seekers like Momma! 

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Teresa vs Cancer: Round 2

Momma had her second chemo treatment a week ago Friday.  It was a long day, but everything went pretty smoothly.   The medicine includes the equivalent of something like 8 Benadryl, so she had a lovely little nap.  And after nap time she shared her iPad with her new friend George.  She noticed that he was playing cards with, gasp, REAL CARDS!  So she showed him her fancy Solitaire machine and let him have a go at it.   

After chemo Mommy did what any other normal person would do... go out to dinner with friends, of course.  One should never let a little cancer keep one from having a good conversation with good friends over a good dinner, that's what we like to say.  So on Friday evening I made it from Richmond to Norfolk in about 75 minutes so that I could meet her and her friends for a little Italian.   Don't worry, Mom said that I could borrow her C-card if I get pulled over at any point during this little adventure, so you know, watch out if you see me coming down the road...

On Saturday Mom and I went to the treatment center together for her after chemo shot.  It was adorable.  On a normal day Mommy averages making at least 3 new friends during each outing, whether its to the grocery store or the mall or the Wal-Mart for God-knows-what.  And the treatment center is no different.  Today we sat in a chair next to a nice woman who told Mom all about her own cancer and how her hip just hurt and hurt and hurt.  And Momma shared a little bit of her story and how her hip just hurt and hurt and hurt.  And then they hugged and promised to be Best Friends Forever and would have a sleepover next Saturday.  Ok, well that part was exaggerated, but I'm sure it could have happened if their fun hadn't been cut short...  It was time for Momma's shot.  It was over before you knew it and we waved goodbye to George and headed home.  

Now, this shot might be one of Mom's least favorite things about chemo.  The medicine burns and, while the nurses try their best to make it comfortable, there's really no relief for the pain except for just waiting it out.  She describes it as "hateful."  It probably is.  Previously this shot was, we think, responsible for all the migraines.  Word on the street, though, is that taking Claritin during these treatments really helps with the migraines.  As of this posting, I think we are so far so good on this theory.  Momma did report having some of the "flu-like" achiness and fatigue that was originally to be expected from the Neulasta injection, but none of the debilitating migraines like before.  I think this is a very good sign and let's hope that it keeps up.  

So that's about all there is to report at this point.  We're resting and eating good and having fun.   Tom shared with me a couple of pictures from a recent birthday party that I'll now share with you.  

Here's Little Miss Cancer throwing her C-Card all over the dance floor.  

Hands in the air to tell cancer you just don't care.  

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Where Did My Hair Go?

Remember the other C-Card we mentioned?  You know, the one about how Momma deserves more "carats" to make up for her loss of hair?  Well, we've come to the point where those diamonds need to start arriving.  She has finally started losing her hair.  Well, it started just after Christmas, but it wasn't until after New Year's that she decided it all just needed to be cut.  

We knew this would probably happen, but it was still shocking.  She asked that the family show their support and cut their hair, too.  But we all suck; we're just not brave enough.  Only Joey went through with it:  

Now that Joey had gone and shown his support, Momma decided that now was the moment.  She asked Russ to come over and help her with the clippers.  The following are some pictures from that adventure.  This wasn't the first time Joey went with such an edgy cut, though, so the Bravery Award definitely goes to Mom.  

Do match your 'do with your dog's.  

Do smile to enhance your new 'do.  

Joey's support was rewarded with lots of kisses, of course.  Most everything he does is.  Even poops.  We are very proud of pooping outside around here.  

Mom's Hawk.  Russ did a great job on the fade in the back.  And those sideburns are killer!

This picture is great because it captures everyone's normal expressions perfectly.  Mom isn't so sure about this; it's always best to question.  Russ knows everything and expects you to trust him.  Tom is figuring out a new gadget.  And Maria is wondering what's wrong with all of these people.  

After saying goodbye to the 'Hawk, I present: The New Teresa!

I know what you're thinking... Holy Crap this wig looks just like Teresa!   Mom has officially figured out how to turn back the clock.  She looks just like herself 10 years ago!  It's like looking back at the old Momma who used to embarrass me 'cause she was the only Mom in 5th grade with short hair.  It's ok.  I'm sure that experience was character building... 

Now that Momma's got a brand new 'do, she's just about ready to toss around that C-Card everywhere she goes.  I think she's adapting quite nicely.  Talk about character building... :) 

Happy Holidays and a Tough New Year

The Holiday Season started a bit rough this year.  A terrible headache and awful fatigue on Christmas Eve Eve threatened to ruin the week altogether.  However, come Christmas Eve Mom woke up feeling much better and Christmas morning she even reported feeling "great".  That's right, folks, the party was ON!

On Christmas Morning, we all woke up and opened presents together and no one had to pretend like they absolutely loved their gifts.  Little Miss Cancer pulled a C-Card and got an iPad.  Brat.  She also started to threaten pulling another C-Card:  The Carat Card, claiming she needed more diamonds to make up for her lack of hair due at any minute now.  I think she's getting the hang of this, no? More on the hair in a bit...

The following are a few highlights from our Christmas:  

This was the only way to get Diva to stop yipping while we were wrapping presents.  She likes attention as much as her Momma.  

It's Christmas Eve and the presents are ready to be unwrapped!

A very special present.  

Diva wanted to be a reindeer, too.  Don't let the tears in her eyes fool you.  She's having a great time.  

After Christmas we decided to bring back an old tradition that Granddad used to enjoy.  Oyster Roasting Parties.  Never one for moderation when it comes to luxury (how could you hold back at a time like this??), Mommy ordered 200 of the "biggest, saltiest" oysters the fish mongerer had.  And, HOLYMOLY were they huge!  Much harder to go through than we thought, especially with another whole seafood stew, too!  It was a really great time, though, and it was a great way to continue the Christmas festivities.  

Always the entertainer, Momma had to set up a silverware display.  Please note that all of the utencils are sitting in the tomato cans used to make the stew.  Themes... we use them.  

Santa brought Tom a grill.  Great for oysters.  

The weather actually got a little chilly and we were able to enjoy the fire pit.  

These guys are huge!  I couldn't eat a whole oyster in one bite.  

A couple of us waiting for the next batch to shuck.  Messy fun for sure.  

And that brings us to New Years'.  I headed back home to Richmond while Mom, Tom, Auntie, and Wayne went to Rehoboth Beach to see Ms. Pamala Stanely's show and catch up with all of Momma's friends in Delaware.  According to my reports they all had a great time.  Momma plastered her head down with hairspray and set out for a night on the town.  Unfortunately, the next day was not so fun.  Even without any alcohol, Momma still woke up with a terrible migraine.  It seems even staying up late with lots of fun and talking and activity is a recipe for headaches.  That's ok, though.  With the holidays over and the cold weather really starting to set it, there's really nothing else to do but cuddle up with some doggies and relax.  Ah, the life of a retiree...