Monday, March 5, 2012

Scheduling Conflicts

I apologize for the lack of updates recently, but, as you can see from Tom's post, this whole cancer thing has, thankfully, become pretty routine.  Everything is seeming to go exactly as the doctor expects, and that's a great thing.  And with 4/6 chemo treatments finished, Mom's an old chemo pro, which means she can almost find comfort in knowing exactly how the treatments and the fatigue and pain will be and when she can expect to start feeling better. 

So, as you saw from Tom's post that we've got a PET scan scheduled for today, which will hopefully (most likely) bring back some good news.  I'm writing this post, however, to tell you guys what else is scheduled:  a trip to the 2012 ACC Basketball Tournament Championship game in Atlanta this weekend.   We are all in trouble now... Little Miss Cancer was invited to the Ball (game).   So they are packing up the car, leaving the pups and the house to Russ and Maria for the weekend, and headed to Atlanta.  Dream of all dreams if Duke is in that final game, too.  The funny part of the story, though, is that she asked her doctors and nurses to rearrange her chemo and lab schedules to accommodate the trip.  And, naturally, they said, "Sure!"  Who does she think she is?  C-card, anyone?? 

Anyway, after the PET scan and the final two treatments, Momma will start doing her radiation, which will leave her with a really cute tan in one spot about the size of a quarter.   And after that, well, Momma will have to go back to normal... serving everyone else (mostly just me). 


And until then I'll try to make sure to update anything that is not routine or just too fun not to mention. 

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